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D&D 5e Campaign - Character Creation

  • Meeple’s Brew 9545 Chapel Hill Road Morrisville, NC, 27560 United States (map)

Meeple’s Brew will be running our second D&D 5th Edition campaign with our band of amazing DMs. If you are new to D&D, looking for more players to adventure with, or a seasoned adventure, all are welcome. Come and join us as we adventure through a shared narrative and uncover the secrets of the Crystal Conflict.

Character Creation will be free. Our actual campaign sessions will be $10.

If you want to make a character before the event, any published content from Wizards of the Coast 5e books are legal. Roll up a level 1 character. Roll HP (if the roll is below 1/2 hit dice + 1, take the 1/2 + 1 number). And for your stats, use standard array (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, . If you need our DMs' help to make a character, come by!

Attendees under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Thanks for understanding!

--About the Campaign--

In the last decade, Cragorous’s crystal technology has grown in leaps and bounds. People have called this new technology Crytology, the use of crystals to power their mechanisms. In recent years the Razor Isles have pushed Crytology to new heights, creating a race between the Razor Isles and the Clouded Shards.

You reside in the Clouded Shards, a nation of floating islands that have found a home far above the ground.

The Artificer Guild of Skyford, the Clouded Shards Capitol, has opened their doors for adventures to come and help them with the advancement of Crytology. Calling all adventures who seek fame and fortune in the name of Skyford and the Clouded Shards.

Each of you have answered the call to join the Artificer Guild. You have been tested and found competent in your skills. Based on your skills, and friendships, you have been assigned into teams. Given a team leader, and work to complete missions assigned to your team.

—Logo art by Wrenford Mansfield with a massive thanks—